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  • SAD BUT NECESSARY My husband says he's been using Viagra to masturbate. Is this common? 9 years ago   *   3 replies
    • alphabeta hmmm, obviously using Viagra during sex is common but i hadn;t heard of this.. makes sense though, the orgasm is more intense. does he use when you have sex? 9 years ago
      • SAD BUT NECESSARY Of the 15 pills he's taken since October it he said he only ever used 2 with me. Our sex life is fine. He has a stronger libido than mine. I'm happy with 2x a week. He'd prefer more. He was on a business trip in NY for a month and took his pills with him. 2 were missing when he came back. Said he used them to feel like more of a man when he went out. I find that highly suspicious. Especially because he doesn't have erectile disfunction. 9 years ago
    • Newyorknative OMG I feel like you are telling my story. My now ex hated to take pills when we had sex because it made him feel like a sexual failure and less of a man, yet I too noticed he was taking the pills but we were not having sex. He hid them and I came across them one day and started to count them. He never admitted to it, but I think he was taking them to masturbate because he was having performance issue there too.Or that was the excuse I came up with, and when confronted if he was using them with some one else he said he was now and using it to masturbate. However he would take them with him on trips as well. We are separated now but I visit the home because my kids are there and I checked to see if he is still taking them and he is. Now I think he's having sex with some one else (found girls earring in the bedroom and not mine) and wonder if that was happening all along. My ex had erectile dysfunction, but I don't think many men would take that many pills to masturbate. Trust your gut it's usually right, I am sorry to say. 9 years ago
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